Annual Fund

The Annual Fund supports the Masjid Operations including all the basics needed to professionally provide the services we all need. This is an opportunity to directly support excellent masjid operations including, but not limited to the following:

  • Utilities
  • Islamic Education programs
  • Teacher compensation
  • Classroom supplies
  • Cleaning Staff
  • Religious Services
  • Professional services
  • Maintenance
  • Landscaping

There are two easy ways to participate in the Annual Fund:

  1. Sustaining support: Sign up to give a monthly amount: Click Here
  2. One time gift : Click Here

Social Fund:

Zakah and Sadaqa collection is available to help you purify your wealth. RCM uses the funds strictly for helping families and individuals in need. RCM collects

Vision99 – Capital Campaign:

If you want to be part of the Vision99 New Masjid Project, please make your donation here. This is planned to be the most welcoming and most complete Islamic Center in the Southeast. It will include facilities dedicated for a new Masjid, Youth Center, and adult education center. Additionally, a vast courtyard, recreational space and green space will also be provided. This is an opportunity of a lifetime. Do not miss being part of it. (Photo of the site plan) 

Click Here

Ramadan Giving:

Funds donated annually and are dedicated to providing Ramadan Services. From covering the expenses for food and drinks, to providing services for Taraweeh Qiyam and Eid Services, and to the additional cleaning and utilities required. (Photos) 

Click Here


An Annual tradition for RCM. This is a very special night for guests to enjoy in a formal setting with some of the best National guest speakers and it normally includes entertainment. In 2020 Guests enjoyed a Keynote by Sh. Omar Suleiman, and entertainment by Baba Ali as funds were raised to purchase the property for Vision99. Over 300 people enjoyed an elegant event and had the opportunity to be the first to donate towards an iconic project. (Include a couple of photos)

Click Here

Other Opportunities:

  • Giving Tuesday
  • Fun Walk/Run
  • Saver Card